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Observations - on the Christian Faith  φ

"But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD"
                                                Numbers 14:21

Foreword to this site

The Eighth Day

Observations & Essays & Articles

are you burdened, laboring with each breath
without purpose, fearful, fretful, toiling, lost,  
found walking in the valley shadowed in death.

and in the end, in the day of reckoning,
..will you stand before God,
with words of awakening.

how will you be judged,
will you be humbled, fearful and all
in the hour when the trumpet calls.

will you be ready to receive from His hand,
that which is due that which is just,
or, simply remain with the dust.

 some will stand, many will fall,
death for one... life for one,
found in those whom God calls.

...will you, can you, hear His voice
and come to the place of rest,
...its not a matter of your best.

                  J Thomas


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